Shipping and Delivery


After placing an order, you will receive an e-mail acknowledgment. This will be followed by another e-mail once we have verified your payment details and approved your order for shipping. 

In the event of a problem in processing your order, you will receive an e-mail detailing the issue and possibly requesting further information.

All items are shipped directly from our boutique. 
You will receive regular e-mail updates on the delivery status of your order. You can also check the status on DHL or UPS by inserting the tracking number supplied.

Shipping times will vary. Please refer to our shipping section for more information. Anastasia Boutique cannot take responsibility for delays due to customs clearance or payment transaction.

Please note that you have 30 days upon the dispatch of your order to contact us should you not receive it. If you contact us after this 30 day period, we cannot guarantee your refund.

Shipping Information

We ship worldwide via DHL Express, with services from UPS in selected countries. All services make deliveries between Monday and Friday 9am-5pm. Please note that some services may not be available in all countries. Shipping is calculated at the checkout. Please contact Anastasia Boutique at telephone: 949-497-1212 or email: with any additional questions regarding our shipping information.